About Us

Our company was established in Konya city in Turkiye with an export-oriented approach, we serves in the filtration sector.


We produce the right solutions for your special filter needs, especially with our experience in the industrial filtration sector. In this direction, we increase our quality and efficiency by constantly investing in new technologies.


As Mers Global, we serve a wide customer portfolio with our products of different types and features, keeping customer satisfaction at the highest level.

Our Mission:
We meet our reliable filters, produced with the latest technological systems, on time with 24/7 access.


Our vision:
To be an innovative, long-term and reliable partner that brings together filters with passion, adds value to life with our customers.


Wherever you are in the world, we deliver our products to you in the fastest and safest way.


We are here to meet your needs 24/7 with our young and dynamic staff who are experts in their field.


We are always at your service with our suppliers with OEM quality and a wide range of 4500 products.


We pursue, design and manufacture state-of-the-art products for you.